upbuild|upbuilded|upbuilding|upbuilds in English


construct, fortify (a structure), enlarge (a structure)

Use "upbuild|upbuilded|upbuilding|upbuilds" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "upbuild|upbuilded|upbuilding|upbuilds" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "upbuild|upbuilded|upbuilding|upbuilds", or refer to the context using the word "upbuild|upbuilded|upbuilding|upbuilds" in the English Dictionary.

1. Favorite songs that are positive and upbuilding

2. Small gatherings can be morally upbuilding

3. (Proverbs 11:25) Be free with sincere commendation and upbuilding speech.

4. Upbuilding conversation can contribute much to the happiness of a family.

5. Upbuilding conversation can also help to refocus the mind.

6. 18 min: “Let All Things Take Place for Upbuilding.”

7. Much upbuilding reading can be done for pleasurable relaxation.

8. In stark contrast, Jesus’ teaching was overwhelmingly upbuilding and positive!

9. Such are not needed for a gathering to be upbuilding.

10. Association with dear relatives and friends is upbuilding and encouraging.

11. □ What are some ways to make family study upbuilding and more interesting?

12. How does the heart play a key role in promoting upbuilding conversations?

13. If a conversation is mainly critical, why not steer it into upbuilding matters?

14. 1 In dealing with our brothers, we should do what is good for their upbuilding.

15. In turn, those extending hospitality are blessed with upbuilding conversation and spiritual fellowship.

16. All these trials work to our good to strengthen us spiritually, for spiritual warfare is upbuilding.

17. The apostle Paul counseled: “Let all things take place for upbuilding.” —1 Corinthians 14:26.

18. There was a fluency and an edification and upbuilding such as I have seldom seen.

19. Too, the information we gain from such articles can become interesting topics for upbuilding conversations with fellow Christians.

20. Elihu showed patience, listened carefully, commended where possible, and offered upbuilding counsel. —Job 32:6; 33:32.

21. This motivating spirit can be either positive or negative, upbuilding and spiritually inclined or degrading, ruled by fleshly inclinations.

22. My face has a happy glow because of the upbuilding association made available at the Kingdom Hall.

23. The environment there was clean, pleasant, and upbuilding, and I was surrounded by smiling brothers and sisters.

24. ✔ Do keep in contact with friends and family and share upbuilding news and viewpoints. —Proverbs 25:25; Ephesians 4:29.

25. Filling your mind with upbuilding thoughts that can be gleaned from Bible accounts can have a positive effect on your feelings.